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Old 10-23-2007, 02:13 AM
Plo Koon Plo Koon is offline
Plo Koon's Primary Pirate Info

Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 40
Plo Koon is scurvy dog
Thanks for the comments guys! Much different than I expected them to be, since I was kinda harsh on certain things.

Also, I directly emailed potco dev team the video I made. I am a game developer, I've created a pirate mmo myself, and I know why they would be troubled.

Other game developers might beable to get an extremely early closeup like this video and copy potco's ideas, but with potco's release just around the corner I'm sure there will be no issues of that nature. Also, there are some failed attempts of what I've done on youtube, just because it's quality doesn't make it more of a sin.

Anyways, they emailed me back with a lame auto message saying they appreciated my input, so that right there is unintentional permission.

Thanks POF for stickying my video thread!