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Old 01-03-2013, 11:19 PM
CarribeanThunder's Avatar
CarribeanThunder CarribeanThunder is offline
Fleet Crusher
CarribeanThunder's Primary Pirate Info
Awards Showcase
Pirating To The End Award International Literacy Day 2013 Award Patriotic Pirate's 2013 Award St. Patrick Day 2013 Award Klingon Award 2012 Pirate Resolution Award Happy Holidays'11 Award Halloween'11 Award 
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Uncharted Waters
Posts: 1,121
My Mood: Balanced
CarribeanThunder is a pirate wannabe
The War Brig is basically all ships in one, in my opinion. The speed and turning of the War Sloop, the hull strength and cargo capacity of the War Frigate, and the cannons and crew capacity of the War Galleon (at least for the broadsides. It has two more deck cannons than the War Galleon).

I personally think that with the release of the War Brig, the War Galleon has become obselete, and I would honestly prefer having both the War Brig and War Frigate, because both are very good all around. Having a Storm Chaser Lv5 War Brig on Test myself, I find it very useful. Even as a plain War Brig, or one with Streamline, it's good for getting around and for sinking ships. Though I don't use my War Frigate often anymore, as sad as I am to say, I still find it useful for battles. I don't use it for travel though.