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Captain Del 02-12-2012 12:53 AM

Wake Up, Pirates!
Ahoy Pirates of POF,

I'm sure that many of us have noticed over the past few weeks and months that activity on the forums has not been what it used to be. These past few months have definitely been the slowest months on record for as long as I have been here, and as much as I would love to solely atest that to the fact that it's in the middle of the school year, we all know that's not necessarily the case.

I've had this feeling for the past few months that the community of these forums has, for the most part, deteriorated. This is in no way the fault of any particular member or group - instead, it's just been a general drift that I've seen in the between all of the pirates that inhabit these waters. Perhaps this can be blamed on the current state of the game, which I'd describe as equally monotone - but even at that, in times worse than the present for this game these forums have thrived as a center of communication and interaction between pirates.

Safe to say, I do truly miss the days of these forums when members would openly make a move to become a larger part of those around them. Even comparing the forums from a year ago to this day with the present, you would see that many pirates were making moves to become more involved with others - through open sailing events, parties, celebrations, and all that hullabaloo. Where that all has gone has become relatively apparent to me recently.

I feel that over the course of the past few months, all of us on these forums have been drifting apart because we choose to do so. Pirates become discouraged to take part in events with other pirates because nobody ever makes a move to do so (you can imagine how disheartening it must be for a pirate to host his first event on these forums, only for nobody to show up.) We shouldn't be so afraid to throw ourselves out there and take advantage of the beautiful structure of these forums, which is essentially designed to bring us all together. I admit this may be easier for me to say than others, but even the newest, youngest pirates here on POF should never be afraid to make a move and throw yourself in to the community!

I believe that we, as members of this forum site, should make the move to open all of ourselves up to new opportunities - to new friendships. The key to making this forum site thrive even as it does in the summer time is to make sure that every pirate here feels welcomed and encouraged, and that means putting ourselves out there. Pirates shouldn't be complaining about having nothing to do when there are so many possibilities when interacting with the hundreds, nay, THOUSANDS of pirates on these forums, but this can only be achieved if we make it so that there is no reason to complain.

That's why, as a member of this community, I'm calling on all of my fellow pirates to do the following things to help bring these forums back to life:

1. Put yourself out there! Don't be afraid to host your own sailing or looting night, to promote your new guild, or to just look for more pirates to hang out with; when we say on those welcome threads (which every pirate should make a move to make, by the way!) that every pirate is welcome to take part in the community, we mean it! Take the initiative to make the Caribbean a more fun, active place by putting your hand in to creating and participating in other pirate's events.

2. Make a move to make new friends! Sometimes I like to send messages to pirates on these forums who I've never met before just to get to know them. Even if you don't know somebody very well, and you want to be friends with them, take the liberty of sending them a private message telling them about yourself - you'd be surprised at how friendly some of the pirates on here are!

3. Bring others here! The great thing about these forums is that they are made for every kind of pirate, not just a specific group or kind of pirate. I'm encouraging every pirate to, from now on, invite other pirates to come and here and take part in the discussion. Friends, guild mates, even pirates off the street - all it takes is a simple "Hey, you should join Pirates Online Forums!" and you'll not only be opening them up to a whole other level of fun in this game, but you'll be deepening your friendship with them by being able to contact them in more ways than just in game (while still staying within the boundaries of the game! That's kind of awesome, hmm?)

4. Explore! Don't be one of those pirates that comes here just for the Guilds Section, or the Activities Forum. Take your time to adventure through every part of these forums, and throw yourself out there! Why not voice all of your opinions on New Articles, opt to join in on somebody's Boss Battle in the Crew Section, or maybe even take up writing your own Story or Blog? There's a lot more to this site than you think!

5. Become a larger part of the forums! You can rely on the members of these forums for a lot - advice, tips and tricks, help with quests/adventures, etc. Always make an effort to welcome new members, help others looking for help, and even asking for help yourself! These forums are your greatest tool when it comes to enjoying the Caribbean to the fullest extent - so, use them!

Just by doing these simple things, YOU will be able to help drive life back in to these forums. These forums are built for every pirate, and every pirate should make the effort to use them as they were intended! So, speak up, delve in, and become a bigger part of the community; and with your help, we can recreate the atmosphere that the Caribbean needs.

Drink up me hearties, yo-ho :buds:

Captain McVane 02-12-2012 01:18 AM

Beautiful! Just... *sniff* beautiful. When ever you make these long speeches, I always hear a very courageous sounding type of music playing in my head. :) very awesome how you are asking members to be more "out-there".

Why did I vote AGAINST this thread? It's awesome. Lol, it was just a misunderstanding on my part.

Your friend,

The Skirata Clan 02-12-2012 02:03 AM

I know!! Where's everyone?

I guess I should explain myself too, being that I usually ban left and right...

Well I have been really busy with RL stuff like looking for a job and such. I think I need to go back to college just to have that feeling of wasting time with a purpose instead of having nothing but time to waste and getting bored of it. Once I get a paying job I can go back to Unlimited and back to having a sig and back to wasting time and ruling POF!!
HA HA HA ! !

Andrew 02-12-2012 04:28 AM

I'll be one of the next ones to admit that I am one of the members here that has just walked away from this forum due to walking away from the game itself. While I stride to look here as often as possible because this is a great community... well.. I just don't see a real reason to check here as often as I would like.

I made a post not too long ago about trying to return here more; well I haven't really lived up to that. This was once one of my daily websites that I loved to visit each day. I'm going to try my best to start making it that again.

The advice Del gave was fantastic. Don't be afraid to post here, POF is a fantastic way to meet new people!

Deadpool 02-12-2012 05:09 AM

Guilty as charged... Come to think about it I only ever lurk here now and I'm not sure of the last time I've been in game. As for my excuse: Conflicted interests.

I realize now that the game AND forum can only be as interesting as we all make it.

spunkycat 02-12-2012 05:24 AM

Even though I've played POTCO since day 1, and before on test site, I am very new to this site. I've never been much of a poster, but I do like to read other's posts and tips. I was able to help with someone's Boss Battle that they had posted on here. I tend to run through times when I play the game a lot, and spend time looking at forums. Other times months can go by with me doing neither. From the little time here, this site seems very friendly and hopefully will here for others to find who need pirate help and friends.:piratebo5:

Platinum Pirate 02-12-2012 08:17 AM

lol I just got here.

But I know where you're coming from Captain Del. There's a disconnect. Not sure when that started of course, but I do believe that's exactly what you're describing. I saw it when I attended one event requested by someone whom I do not care to name. The individual wasn't exactly having fun and neither did the rest who showed up to help out. Don't mean to be critical. I'm simply explaining what happened and how there was this lack of fun in those present. They simply showed up and wanted to get it over and done with. And after it was done, they all left except for one friend of mine who is not a registered member of this forum. He and I continued to have fun like we're known to do. Both of us noticed the difference.

Not saying we're better. Just sharing one instance. In another instance, I accidentally showed up in one event organized by Leo last month. Really funny how that all happened since I didn't read up on which server Ocean his SvS event was going to be. I realized it afterwards in-game. You see, it just so happened we were plundering in a Quiet Ocean. We had left an Ideal one to continue our sailing run, but one friend wanted us to SvS. His insistence is why we ended up there. Only after we teleported did I realize it was Leo's event. lol, and boy did it lag. In the end, I was the only one who kept at it and had so much fun. It was a real guessing game taking shots at the other side. And then it ended. They all left just as quickly as they came.

When I finally came over to POF to see how Leo and the others reacted to the event, I was a bit disappointed. Only two of them replied, brief and to the point. I loved the screenshots though and wouldn't you know it, my ship is there! hahahahahahahaaaa, I didn't even sign up! I could have said something but didn't feel like it was my place to. Heck, no one seem to be enthusiastic about it. I guess they've done them so many times, its all the same to them; So no big deal.

Well, I beg to differ. It is a big deal. Whatever is said and done there in-game is lost; Whatever is written and uploaded here... stays forever. So yeah, when these events are arranged and completed/ fulfilled, all participants should chime in. Excellent opportunity for others, the non-participants, to chime in for whatever reasons. Can never know until it happens. Can't say the burden of that, of making it engagingly fun, is on the person who arranged the event. The disconnect is throughout the community.

That's just my humble opinion. Maybe, we need to hold some sort of special event. Heck, maybe I should just to test this out. lol :piratetongueor4:

Tiberius Fireskull 02-13-2012 08:40 AM

Even though I am inactive now, I have still been lurking occasionally (that guest you see viewing that thread is sometimes me). I too have noticed a huge drop in activity here, even if I don't sign on but once every few days, and even then for just a short while. Not only that, but I've been seeing a load more goodbye threads as of late than newcomer threads, and plenty more people are going that have not posted. Before I left the game, I noticed a lot more inactivity in it, at least among the group I usually was a part of, mainly consisting of POF members and a few others. It's hard to say whether or not it's the forums, the game, both, or maybe everyone's just sad that I've left (Aye, Tibby's still got a sense of humor. ;) ).

Having left the game, and being the busy bee that I am, I cannot do too much to help at this point, but I will try to make the effort to attend an event here and there, especially if it is hosted by my dear friends. I can easily try to to come and post here every so often, just to give back to the forum that gave so much to me. I hate to see the forum getting quiet, especially after all the fun I had here. I shall do what I can.

As Andrew said, POF is really a fantastic way/place to meet new people. You would be amazed at how many great people I've met through this forum. As I used to say to new incoming guildmates of mine, "If you feel ignored, reach out! We can do plenty to make you feel welcome, but you need to meet us halfway." Post a bit here and there, make new friends, and then we'll have a bright new batch of players, and a bright forum too.

The advice Del gave is great, I'd heed it. As Deadpool said, it's only as interesting as you make it. Now make it interesting, and fun! Sometimes I've found that this place can become more than a forum...

richfireskull 02-13-2012 05:21 PM

Could not have said it better myself Del. Make this place shine like no other like it used to!

akamystic 02-13-2012 05:49 PM

Some have become overwhelmed with real life. Busy at work, school and well, doing things outside of PC gaming. Some have gotten bored or have taken a break. I can relate to that. I do try staying active here and online as much as possible. I've met a ton of great pirates over the years. Some have gone MIA for good. Some come and go. It's a great outlet for me to play after a long day. Nothing like sinking a ship to unwind. Well having said that, I'll be around.....and I'll schedule another open ship/loot night soon.

Captain Jorden 02-13-2012 08:12 PM

I, Jorden, half to say this:

I made a thread in the crew thing, saying that I am really bored with the game doing my usuals, I see I get no post in a week, nor a month.

I know I once gone inactive due to basic access, but that was a year ago, I've noticed the in some sub-forums, there has not been posts in it since yesterday to a couple months. I plan to do many things as a pirate.

A) Create a good happy guild with my basic pirate.

B) In summer I will organize awesome events.

C) Get as many good pirates to join POF as I can.

But one thing I've noticed in the game is that through generation to the next generation pf Pirates is that:

1) People have became more rude.
2) New people who start the game quit more often. In my research There are more New pirates quiting and old pirates quitting then there are non-rude and New people.

Also in my research I've seen that 3/10 pirates are not rude*.

A year ago(I'm going to share a story) I've had a good fello help me lv up from 20-40. A half a year later I see him online, but he doesn't reconize me even though I've told him everything we've done together. A month later he deleted me off his friends list.

Also I've noticed that people are more worried of having open chat then having fun.

I haven't had fun in a long long time. Inside or outside POF.

I will bow, from this day forward, to invite(or try) all my friends to POF.

*This only counts for 2 weeks ago.

Captain Del 02-13-2012 08:45 PM

I'm not so much addressing pirates who are inactive (though I do very much appreciate all of you old champs coming out of the shadows ;)) as I am pirates who are on these forums, but choose not to interact on these forums as much as they could. It's vital that every member of these forums does their best to reach out to fellow pirates and strengthen the atmosphere of the community, so that we can help not only these forums, but the game itself begin to take steps back to founding such a well-involved, fun, and most importantly, "piratey" Caribbean!

Mia Lightning 02-14-2012 01:14 AM

I say this, if you are not on the 'ban game' or 'who will be the next poster' then don't speak.......

Captain Del 02-14-2012 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Mia Lightning (Post 364439)
I say this, if you are not on the 'ban game' or 'who will be the next poster' then don't speak.......

I'm not entirely sure what your post is trying to say - are you saying that if a pirate doesn't participate in the Activities forum then his/her interaction on this forum isn't as high as those who do? If this is the case, then I believe you brought up a matter that I'd love to address regardless.

While I agree that the activities forum is a great way for pirates to interact and meet new friends (in fact, the Ban Game is one of the reasons why I first joined Partners In Crime,) I do not believe that it should be a pirate's sole reason to be on these forums. As I argued back when the Activities forum was periodically shut down, it's not very good when pirates come on these forums solely to play on "The Ban Game," "Question My Question" or the few other threads that are constantly in the new posts section, as they tend to draw away from the actual discussions that happen in the other parts of the forum. It tends to alienate separate groups of members, (I find that activities threads are usually limited in participation to just a certain dozen members or so,) and as much as I hate to say it, one of the reasons I left playing the Ban Game a few years ago is because I didn't like how it was drawing a lot of people from actual threads and discussions that is what keeps the forums alive.

Do not get me wrong, though. I believe the Activities forum is a necessity in terms of keeping some pirates around on these forums, and we learned that the hard way when some of our oldest members left after it was closed for a time. But even for just the slightest amount of time, every pirate should make the effort to take part in actual discussion, because that's what keeps the entire forum thriving and enjoyable, not just a small section for pirates who don't know what to do with their time. Plus, you'll find that once you really get in to discussing topics with other pirates, it has a lot more fun and variation to it than just repeating "I ban Captain Del for being old!" - and not to mention, it's a great way to make friends ;)

Mia Lightning 02-14-2012 01:50 AM

I have no idea what you wrote as I did not read it, but I was kidding. All I saw was "Wake up Pirates" and little bit about a lack of participation and and thought I'd mention that there is a lot of activity here.

Honestly, if someone takes two seconds out of their busy days to say "I ban you with strong words", then that is participating to me.

It's difficult enough for people to take the time out of their real lives to have a little fun on this forum, much less write a two page story about how one is to participate.

Love all the people even if they can only take the time to read, ban, or put bottles up! :)

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